Information do employees
Here are some questions to think about before delivering your initial message What need to help them navigate the change What information will create unnecessary noise without adding any value How will the way the plans are presented affect how information about the change will be received Assign tasks at the beginning of technological changes Remember that "first impression is the basis" and it is difficult to change it later. Especially if it turned out to be negative.Therefore when starting a digital transformation project emphasize the basic foundations and outline a vision for leading the organization through changes. How to build foundations and maintain employee engagement Country Email List Clarify your " why " Communicating your vision for the future will be key to building employee buy in and engagement. Throughout the project you will often return to your "why" both formally and informally. The goals and new vision should be simple and directly related to the organization's mission.,h_386,al_c,lg_1,q_80,enc_auto/4b6327_6211a5f010054bd897816c35074b28af~mv2.jpg
Are we implementing new technology to be able to serve more meals Invest new resources in more research Deliver new lifesaving services to the community There is a purpose behind each of these changes. Make your employees aware of this and remind them of your "why" during the project. Hold a project kickoff meeting to set expectations and share key information what will happen and when. It is also worth referring to other examples of well known organizations that have already achieved success by implementing similar changes.