Visitors attention to several
Athe page theres a CTA inviting visitors to watch the full video of a Sunday Gathering the weekly service at Passion City Church. In the bottom left corner theres Information about when services are held and what their purpose is. Below that is a simple CTA inviting visitors to Come to Church. Using whitespace and a highly legible typography the website directs other opportunities to take action by donating downloading the pastors podcast registering for the Passion 2022 event and more. 2. Renewal church websites Renewal Church Why this works Renewal combines bold colors and animations to engage visitors on their site right away without overwhelming them with information.
Example there are four CTAs on the homepage banner read Renewals mission plan a visit get involved and join their Youth program. Rather than present all four options at once the website displays them one at a time Digital Marketing Service in an animated slider. Each is represented by a vibrant CTA button that changes color when a visitor hovers over it. 3. Second Baptist Church church websites Second Baptist Church Why this works Second Baptist Church deftly guides the user journey with animations videos and other interactive elements. Visitors are immediately captivated by the video background and encouraged to take three actions join the community watch a sermon or donate. Each of these buttons will change from a white outline to blue background.
A visitor hovers over it. If visitors want more information before taking one of these actions they can scroll down to the grid section to learn more about the churchs summer events Holy Land tour ministries and more. 4. Elevation Church church websites Elevation Church Why this works What sets Elevation Church apart from other church websites is that it offers personalized experiences to users based on whether theyre firsttime visitors existing members of the online eFam community or members of a campus community. If you click on the New Here button for example youre redirected.