Museums and video streaming services
Changes in spending in Canada and Quebec The behavior ofQuebec consumers in the face of the recession is diverse and varied, but inwhich area does inflation have the most impact on daily spending? Of thosesurveyed who changed the way they spend, the most notable impact was on foodand drink. They say they consume less in bars and restaurants (72%) and in foodstores (70%). As Le Devoir points out, food prices in Quebec increased by 11%in 2022 , which represents the highest price increase in Canada. Consumers maystill feel the effects of high food prices, both at retail and in bars andrestaurants. However, food isn't the only area where consumers have cut back onspending. The following sectors are also suffering: clothing (67% ofrespondents
having changed their behavior), entertainment and culturalactivities such as video streaming Bulgaria Mobile Number Listservices, cinema, museums, etc. (59%),beauty and health products (59%), electronics (56%). In addition to reductionsin consumer spending that may cause some concern, there are also areas whereconsumers are stopping spending their money entirely. The top four consumergoods areas where some consumers are no longer spending their money at all areelectronics (17%), fitness (16%), appliances (14%), and entertainmentactivities and cultural activities such as cinemas,(14%). Note that expenses relating to education (such as courses ortraining) have also stopped for 15% of respondents. Tip for Retailers:Businesses
trying to build customer loyalty during tough economic timesshould focus on their brand equity, not just the products they offer. Accordingto Gartner, retailers can try to ease customer concerns by providingspecialized expertise and developing a brand reputation that inspires trust. Tofind out where brands can build customer trust, there are social listeningtools that can track public conversations about their brand, their competitors,and emerging market trends. . You can then use them as part of a futurestrategy. What is the impact of inflation on the spending and behavior ofQuebec consumers? Faced with rising prices and reflation , what shopping habitshave Quebec consumers adopted? While 21% of those surveyed have not yet changedtheir