TIME In recent research using
Source: word embeddings trained on massive internet text corpora, words representing the concept of “people” (e.g., “somebody” or “human”) were more likely to occur with terms for “men” than for “women”—a demonstration of the male-default bias collectively displayed across individuals in a society. Unconscious Bias and Marketing Decisions As I said before, bias is everywhere. Including our Marketing approaches. Even some experts admit that biases can drive us to be bad marketers. This is proof of how our minds can play against us, and lead to losing conversions.However, there are some companies that are trying to fight this Sri Lanka WhatsApp Number common disbelief and are actually receiving good benefits from it. An easy example. According to Facebook Data, in Brazil, at least 85% of ads coming from the auto parts industry include only men in protagonist roles. In an attempt to bring more diversity to ads, Jeep in Brazil decided to display both women and men as they enjoyed the adventure in one of their new cars.
The campaign actually had good results, increasing 28 points on brand recall among the ads that displayed both genders. Novo Jeep Renegade - Seu Instinto é Jeep Another good initiative was taken by Pinterest, where the algorithm seeks to bring more diversity to its searches. Google itself has acknowledged the power of words and released an inclusive language tool that seeks to deem some gendered focus terms. For example, when you type “policeman” the engine will suggest “police officer” instead.