However before the Alpha generation
After the Alpha generation, there will be a continuation of the Gamma generation and the Delta generation.were the following generations: Gen Y generation (Echo Boomers, Millennials, or Gen Next generation): A phrase used to refer to people born between 1980 and 1994. Generation Xennials (Micro Generation, Catalano or Oregon Trail): A term used to refer to people born between 1975 and 1985. Generation X (Generation X, Latchkey, Baby Bust, MTV generation or Gen Baby Boomer generation (also known as Baby Boomers): A term referring to the group of people born between 1946 and 1964. Silent Generation (also known as Silent Generation).The term refers to the group of people born between 1925 and 1945. The Greatest Email Data Generation (also known as The Greatest Generation): Phrase referring to the group of people born between 1910 and 1924. The Interbellum Generation (also known as the Interwar Generation): The term refers to the group of people born between 1901 and 1913. The Lost Generation (Lost generation or lost generation): Phrase referring to the group of people born between 1890 and 1915. What are Frequently Asked Questions about Gen Alpha? The alpha gene is from what year to what year? As mentioned above, Gen Alpha, also known as Generation Alpha, is a group of people born from 2010 to 2024. Children of Generation Alpha are often children of Gen Y (Millennials) and younger siblings of Gen Z , people living in an era that witnessed remarkable technological development.
What is special about the alpha gene? Gen Alpha comes from the fact that they regularly use devices with glass screens such as tablets, laptops, and personal computers. This makes these children more autonomous in interacting with online content. In the future, they will become content creators in the digital space. What gene is born in 1993? People born in 1993 are Gen Y, also known as Millennials, a group of people born between 1981 and 1996. This period witnessed the significant development of large companies such as Google, Facebook, Twitter , LinkedIn, PayPal... as well as important events taking place globally. Above, Miko Tech has brought readers information about what Gen Alpha is and what makes the difference. Above all, you will have more information about the origin, characteristics, and problems that Gen Alpha faces.