I say utopian Social Because issues and Human Values That Each Company Sees Are Involved. Differently. It is good to know that there are sum compepies that Seek to generate change butTunately Subtimes Business is preferred over support. However, There Can Be a Change If Each of Us Builds Our Definition of Social Change Day By Day.And which you Can Share Later To Continue Generating Collective Knowledge. The Idea of A Social Company is attractive, but it must make its mission and philosophy to Everyone Who is part of the corporate. Login to answer J.David Gallego to Topic You have bouched upon Interesting, as Denmark WhatsApp Number Data is the increasingly active role of the consumer (prosumer) not only for the generation of the offer but for the survival of the company that generates it. OUR ACCEPTANCE OF A PRODUCT MEANS ITS DISSEMINATION IN OUR CIRCLE, WHICH IS NOW MANY BROADER THAN IT WAS YEARS AUG, SOFLE WE HAV MANY MORE PEOPLE WHO NEW NEW US THOUTH OR SOCIAL NETWORKS. That Gives US All Much More Power As Consumers, But also More Responsibility. BEFORE PUTting A PRODUCT ON THE STREET, COMPANIES GO THROUCH MANY CONTROLS (MANY MORE IF THE ARE HEALTH OR FOOD PRODUCTS) .
But what control do they have over consumer comments, Beyond Checking that they are not not propane ? … None. There I Believe Lies The Limitation of the Power of Consumers, in Their Reliability Understood in General Terms. IT COULD BE INTERESTING TO HAVE A "DIGITAL IDENTITY" THAT WOULD GIVE US MORE OR LESS CREDIBILITY DEPENDING ON ... (CRITERIA TO BE DISCUSSED) BUT THAT IN THE END WOULD GIVE MANY THREE WEIGHT TO RECOMMENDATIONS BOLDS A PRODUCT TO ARTICLE. And The The Real Power Would Be Much Greateraccess to Answer Ramón This is a Vary General Question and One That, in My Case.