After the industrial
Ence (AI) represents the development of computer systems capable of executing tasks that are normally performed by people such as visual perception, speech recognition, decision making and language translation. It is a branch of systems engineering, designed to create machines that behave like human beings. This result is obtained using algorithms that discover patterns and generate insights from the analyzed data, resulting in more accuratedecision-making in a process that avoids the need for programming for Jiangsu Mobile Phone Number List specific actions. The goal is to make machines imitate the unique reasoning powers of humans. After the industrial revolution, the machines and tools used to support manual work did not stop evolving and with the advancement of information technologies (IT), they will now be autonomous, eliminating supervision or any other human activity from the process. Artificial intelligence still
has a long field to be explored and represents the latest fashion in innovation. Soon, this should generate big changes in the way things work and in the way companies and individuals relate to technology. What are the technologies behind AI? For software to think and act on its own, it depends on a set of technologies. Furthermore, he must be, taught at the beginning, like a child. He then repeats the actions, acquires habits, learns new things, incorporates the learning into