Ad it is not a decision that is made immediately. That is why it is important to be able to automatically follow up with each prospect. If you already do the most expensive thing, which is attracting prospects with advertising on Google and online, don't let the prospect leave due to poor follow-up. Marketing Automation is perfect because it allows you to generate personalized experiences for your prospects as part of the sales process or sales funnel. By doing it with a good platform, you automate the delivery of content and marketing actions based.
On the segmentation and behavior of prospects. Executed well, with a professional automation platform, you nurture your prospect with content and stay top-of-mind for the moment they start moving towards the closing phase. Any ideas: Most automation software includes Digital Marketing Service a CRM, so the decision to use these platforms must be made carefully so that you choose the one that best integrates both functionalities. Marketing automation requires setting up and programming its operation, it is not complex, but it takes time and it is recommended.

That you do it with an agency that knows how to do it. . Talk about what the client wants The number one piece of information a prospect wants to know is price. And it's understandable that it's usually not the first thing the seller wants to give. Usually the seller wants to get an appointment, a visit. And for this reason, you have to find a way for your digital marketing strategy for real estate to give the price, without taking away negotiation elements from the seller. Sometimes you can give the competition's price and say that we are % cheaper.