Attributes are the best known ones that indicate to robots that such links should not transfer power to the linked page although they are not meaningless for . You can use this parameter if you want to mention a website but for example you don't support it. Most of the time I will get the normal link and leave the link to the brand's customers. Attributes are the opposite of but links without this parameter have the same effect so I don't use it at all. The sponsored attribute can be used to mark links as sponsored. Personally I would avoid it because I don't see a practical use for it.
On the one hand when acquiring links we don’t want Google to know that we are paying for them and on the other hand the publisher has made it clear that he is selling links on his website. Property Abbreviation for user-generated content. This attribute marks photo retouching links generated by Internet users such as links from comments or discussion forums. Property used with the property to open the linked page in a new window. It prevents users from replacing the linked page with another page. Property hides information about the source of traffic from . Normally in you can check if the user reached your website via social media email site in which case you will see directly None.
Link building in practice or where to get links? You have to realize that in most cases the harder the link is to get the more unique and valuable it will be. As I mentioned before mass production is a thing of the past. That’s why I won’t mention word of mouth marketing advertising website guestbook in this article I will only mention some of the most common ways to get links. So what are the most popular sources of quality links? Guest Posts and are probably the most popular method of getting links in Poland right now. It involves placing articles you write along with links to your website on thematically relevant websites.