Control, uniqueness, performance Self-written websites (developed in-house without using ready-made CMS) are popular among medium and large businesses. From an SEO optimization perspective, this type of platform also has its advantages and disadvantages. Advantages: full control over the code . You will be able to implement optimized meta tags, friendly URLs, structured data and other SEO features without restrictions, customizing them according to search engine requirements; unique design and functionality that meet the needs and goals of a specific business. Personalizing your site can improve the user experience, increase time on site, and increase user engagement. Ultimately, this can have a positive impact on search rankings; higher performance . With proper code and server optimization, self-written sites can work faster than sites on ready-made CMSs. Fast page loading is an important factor for SEO, as search engines prefer sites with good performance and users are more likely to interact with faster sites. Disadvantages of self-written websites for SEO: cost of development and technical support .
Creating a custom website requires significant knowledge of web development and Email List programming, which will require the involvement of specialized specialists. Maintaining and updating such a site also requires more time, effort and investment than, for example, on CMS platforms; lack of ready-made plugins and extensions . Off-the-shelf CMSs like WordPress offer a wide range of plugins and extensions specifically designed for SEO. However, keep in mind that when using a self-written website, you will have to be responsible for creating and integrating all the necessary functions yourself, rather than using ready-made solutions; limited community and resources . The community of developers and users of self-written websites is smaller than that of popular CMSs. This means you may encounter limited resources, documentation, support, and answers to your questions. Yes, for popular frameworks like Django and Laravel this situation is unlikely, however, this factor is worth keeping in mind. How to choose a platform for creating an SEO-optimized website Django is one of the most common frameworks for writing websites from scratch in Python.
When choosing a custom website for SEO, you need to take into account your web development skills and the skills of existing or attracted employees, the requirements of the area in which you are doing business, and the availability of resources (financial, time, personnel). If everything matches, then a self-written website will allow you to fully control the optimization of the resource for search engines. Self-written websites are impressive and unique, but they are not suitable for small projects and are difficult and expensive to implement and maintain. On the other hand, all restrictions in the development of such sites are associated only with the above factors and the imagination of the creator.