However it must be considered that every company is different from company growth objectives to marketing budgets to staff skills which is why the path you can choose depends exclusively on your particular situation HYPOTHESIS RUN IT WITH EXISTING STAFF Look to staff within your company who have strategic thinking skills and some level of experience with marketing and business development.
Pros No additional expenses limited or no business learning curve Cons A potential nonmarketer filling a marketing role A staff members time diverted from their primary job Multiple marketing skill sets rarely found in one person strategy SEO design writing web Indonesia Phone Number development Outside help will likely be needed to fill these skill sets Costs HYPOTHESIS HIRE A MARKETING EMPLOYEE Hire an internal employee with a marketing background.
Pros Full time availability in the company for hours per week Cons Salary costs taxes benefits equipment training etc Multiple BB andor industrial marketing skills are rarely present in one person strategy Outside help is likely needed to fill this skill set Specific experience in industrial or BB marketing may be limited or nonexistent Investment of time needed to learn about your companys business and your customers businesses.