We see that it continues an increasing evolution. We can even put more context to this evolution and cross it with data from the previous period or the previous year. Let's look at an example: seo traffic comparison The blue line is the one we had already seen, to which if we cross data prior to the initial date range, we see that the success of the SEO strategy is real, and that the evolution so far is desirable. - SEO strategy for blogs Let's see now with an example of a blog: seo strategy analysis We have a situation similar to the case of ecommerce, but the range of positioning possibilities that a blog offers is always much greater and deeper than any sales-oriented website.
That is why the ideal is to combine Special Database both SEO strategies in a common project that seeks, at a macro level, a final corporate growth objective. Despite this, the way to achieve it is different, and we will often see that the blog has a greater growth potential than the website itself in positioning, and can be the front from which to test and get to know our target customers better and then offer products. or services appropriate to your true needs and concerns.

Where is our target market? SEO has its advantages and disadvantages, or rather its advantages and its warnings of missed opportunities. Let me explain with two more examples for ecommerce and blogs about segmentation by location of our target market: “Do you segment the location by corporate interest or by visitor interest? The first case would be a mistake if we intend to grow around value to our clients” - Detecting the target market of an ecommerce through SEO With this report we can highlight how the SEO strategy is working in relation to the geolocation of our potential clients.