Prevails in the creation of infographics is planning and, of course, a good team to assume each stage of the process . In the end, what are those stages? Don't worry, we'll explain it to you right away! Planning The creation of the infographic follows the same criteria as the articles or any content on your blog. This means that planning must always foresee your actions . Therefore, before you start putting your hands in the dough, ask the thoughtful question: what is the trend for today? What have people searched for? Has any guideline gone viral? Use tools like Google Trends to find the answers you need, but remember: regardless of the topic, the content needs to be relevant.
In addition to taking advantage of events around the globe, a good tip is to take advantage of the Iran WhatsApp Number Data numerous commemorative dates to create special infographics. Let's imagine a simple scenario: a bookstore or publisher needs to boost the sale of books in the History and Biographies category. In the middle of Independence Week, you can create an infographic telling curiosities about the history of a country, encouraging the public to purchase the books. Textual production Infographics are not just images and design, the information is a fundamental part of the work and must follow a script . The objective of this stage is to gather, with the help of a good writer, the data that will be included in the content and present it in objective language. However, although the text is essential, it must fit the size of the infographic.

What does this mean? Simply save on details and words, reducing the quantity whenever possible . Layout When we say that infographic production is not for the "Photoshop person," we are even referring to the composition of graphic art. Having a layout designer or graphic designer with some experience in this type of production is essential. This is the professional who will make art emerge using the best techniques and tools . In addition, it is necessary to maintain a dialogue so that the infographic comes out flawless, as planned, that is, with everything in its place! Why use infographics on the blog? Share and go viral Social media, especially Insta