We have brought together the 7 largest engineering conferences in Brazil. Who knows, maybe one is in your area and could be a great opportunity for you? Among the different types of technical-scientific events that are a space for exchanging knowledge between professionals and students in a given area, there are congresses. If you're curious about how to organize a conference, it's worth reading this post . 1. IEEE WCCI – IEEE World Congress on Computational Intelligence computer intelligence engineering conference Aimed at Computer Engineering students and professionals. The IEEE World Congress on Computational Intelligence (IEEE WCCI) is the largest technical event in the field of computational intelligence. It encourages the sharing of ideas between three major areas: Neural Networks, Fuzzy Systems and Evolutionary Computing. Furthermore, it provides a forum for intellectuals from around the world to discuss and present their research results in computational intelligence.
The congress offers workshops to be held in conjunction with the main event. The general objective of a workshop is to provide participants with the opportunity to present and discuss new research ideas on active and emerging topics in Computational Intelligence. The topics of the proposed workshops must, therefore, be aligned with those established in the call for papers for the main event. The IEEE Computational Intelligence Brazil Phone Number Data Society has maintained its position as the leading journal in computational intelligence. Raising its status with top-tier academic publications, earning high rankings in the Thomson Reuters Journal Citation Report. The IEEE WCCI 2018 also requests proposals for tutorials aimed at researchers, students and practicing professionals. Tutorials provide a unique opportunity to disseminate in-depth information on specific topics in computational intelligence. For more information about the engineering congress, visit the event website.

ENEC – National Meeting of Engineering Students ENEC The National Meeting of Civil Engineering Students began in April 2012, its first edition was in Santa Maria – RS, with 800 delegates participating and with each passing year this number increased along with the success of its editions. ENEC reaches its 6th edition in 2017. It aims to make congress participants have contact with regions, cultures and people from all corners of the country, providing unique experiences. In addition to expanding your knowledge of the various areas of civil engineering and new technologies and building bridges between professionals and students, always in the most dynamic way. This edition was present in the city of Belo Horizonte, Minas Gerais. This was the first edition that took place in the Southeast region. Held on a non-profit basis, ENEC is organized by its affiliated grassroots entities and carried out by FENEC (National Federation of Civil Engineering Students). Bringing together future engineers with the aim of sharing knowledge, meeting countless people and also bringing together the best professionals in the field. Get more information about ENEC on the congress website.